Solutions for existing Turf and Landscape

We have experienced an increasing demand in reducing irrigation water requirements and especially irrigation costs for existing turf and landscape areas, which encouraged us to develop a solution allowing to implement Zeoplant retrospectively.

Zeoplant needs to be mixed into the root zone to retain the irrigation water and reduce its consumption.

Our installation methodologies differentiate between two application procedures for:

  • Turf and large lawn areas
  • Plantation areas including palm trees, and shrubs


Both methodologies will reduce the irrigation water demand by minimum 50%.

Due to its natural mineral origin, Zeoplant is a one-time application only.

Solution for existing Turf and Lawn Areas

This solution is recommended for all kind of turf and lawn areas like:

  • Golf Courses
  • Football Fields
  • Polo Fields
  • and large Turf/Lawn areas

The so-called “Aerification” is a standard and regular procedure for sports fields and turf areas with following benefits:

  • Improved air exchange between the soil and atmosphere
  • Stronger root development
  • Reduced soil compaction
  • Enhanced heat and drought stress tolerance


Zeoplant is applied during the aerification process by filling the material into the root zone of the turf area. This procedure can be carried out by hollow or solid tining in which the latter has following advantages:

  • Solid Tining does not require the collection and disposal of soil cores being necessary with hollow tining
  • Solid Tining is faster allowing a higher production rate in sqm which saves time and money for the operator and client

Zeoplant will retain the water and reduce the irrigation demand by minimum 50%.

Solutions for existing Landscape & Plantation Areas

This solution is recommended for:

  • Palm Trees
  • Trees
  • Shrubs


During the maintenance procedure, the landscaping contractor simply excavates as far as possible around the root ball and mixes Zeoplant into the soil as per our recommended application rates.

Zeoplant will retain the water and reduce the irrigation demand by minimum 50%.

Please refer to our photo documentation for further information.

Zeoplant is the ideal solution to save irrigation water for any existing landscape & plantation project.